alphaplan security plan

Fire brigade intervention plan

The intervention plan (PI) is addressed to the CGDIS Fire Brigade, and may be required by them, as defined in article 39. Plans of the text ITM-SST 1500.3 Fire prevention regulations, General definitions. It relates more particularly to the evacuation of people, to the extinction of the fire, risk elimination, communication in the event of an intervention.

It consists of a written part and a graphic part using the following standards:

  •  DIN 14095: Feuerwehrpläne für bauliche Anlagen
  • Din 14034-6: Graphische Symbol für das Feuerwehrwesen – Teil 6: Bauliche Einrichtungen
  • Din ISO 7010: Sicherheits- und Gesundheitsschutzkennzeichnung am Arbeitsplatz

The written part includes in keywords all the important information related to the establishment that can optimize the work of the CGDIS firefighters in the performance of their missions.

The graphic part includes all the plans of the establishment that may facilitate the work of the CGDIS firefighters in carrying out their missions.